Monday, September 24, 2012

Goals: Week of September 24th


I can't believe that this is already the last full week of September...and fall. Where has time gone?

I have managed to get a good start on my week. I am amazed that when I am crunched for time, I manage to get things done. When I have all the time in the world, I can't get anything done. Procrastination seems to be my problem!

Last Weeks Goals:
  1. Walk 10 miles- let's not talk about this one...
  2. Finish reading Unstuck
  3. Make applesauce
  4. Finish Addison's bag
  5. Find and kill a tomato worm- I tried and couldn't find it, but my tomatoes look better. Weird. 
  6. Research Shopper's Compass
  7. Fix headliner in my car
This Weeks Goals:
  1. Clean the downstairs of our house
  2. Organize coupons
  3. Read 25 chapters of The Deposit Slip
  4. Finish knitting dishcloth
  5. Send my momma Usborne paper
  6. Freeze peppers and dry tea
  7. Enjoy some good quality family time
Are there any other procrastinators out there like me?!!!


  1. Hi Lydia! I'm a total procrastinator. I want badly to be a Type-A wife, mom, everything....I'm just NOT! Lol! :-)

    That's why goal setting each week is so important for me. I need to set goals or I'll procrastinate and get some things half-done or not at all.

    It looks like you did a great job with last week's goals. I hope you have another productive week!

    1. Hey Sandra! I can totally relate! Goals are going well so fat this week.

      Thanks for stopping by!


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