Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Empowered {Book Review}

The Empowered immediately got my attention and made we want to read the book. There was a murder that took place and that was going to need to be resolved. There also was a daughter that the father didn't know existed til she was an adult and they were trying to resolve the relationship. In my mind, this plot was going to make a great book.

However, several chapters into the book, the talk of demons started. I do believe that demons do exist, so not a huge deal. But when the dark side took over the book and was responsible for all the murders, I because a little uneasy. Maybe it is just me, but I didn't want to fill my mind with all that information. Personal preference maybe. Just be aware that the supernatural is very big theme in this book if you consider reading.

Thanks to Tyndale for a copy of this book.

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