Wednesday, October 28, 2015

November Mortgage Update

I have to admit, I have been pretty lazy to cook. Really has not helped our entertainment budget at all! I know I need to work on making more and also work on making some meals for after baby comes. Anyone have any good freezer meals that they love. Bad, but I thought this morning that I need to freeze some cinnamon rolls before this next little one comes. Priorities right!!

We are still only putting half of what I make on the mortgage. We are still saving up for a water heater, but we had another expense this month. Will share more on this one later. I have never been so thankful for an emergency fund!

I was able to mark off the next thousand from our mortgage this month, which brought me some joy, but we have a long ways to go to reach our 6k for the year! 

Breakdown of Extra Money

$10 selling on etsy
$12 selling on facebook
$12 change
$5 selling books
$17.50 selling on ebay 


Since our update in October, we have been able to pay $353 from our principle. Giving us a total of $1297 for our year. Leaving us with $4703 in order to reach our 6k for the year. 


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