I have been a Beth Moore fan from the first Bible study that I did of hers. When I saw the opportunity to review this book, I took the opportunity to check the book out. Listed below are some of the things that really stood out to me about this book.
This book was written like a magazine. I really liked all the pictures and articles throughout. I think this helped keep things light while still getting a very valuable point across.
Oh, how I remember those teen years of feeling very insecure. Not that that insecurity has gone away for me by any stretch, but hopefully, I know better how to deal with it :) The chapters have to deal with fashion, media hype, boys, popularity, tough stuff, gifts and talents, competition, and secure girls. All these things are facing teens today.
Biblical Focus
Every chapter ends with a lady in the Bible that the girls can study. Encouraging the girls to move away from this book to the Bible, the true source of security. I am glad for a God that provides security for me.
One of the deals about reviewing this book was that my teen daughter would also review this book. Well, since I don't have a teen daughter, I was able to convince one of my Sunday School girls to help me out. Below is what she wrote. Thanks, Becca!
So Long, Insecurity Teen Edition by Beth Moore is a great book for all teenage girls. She specifically addresses fashion, media hype, boys, popularity, hard things such as death, divorce, etc., gifts and talents, competition: all life issues we girls deal with. She quotes so many great Scriptures and talks about women in the Bible who went through some of these same life problems.
I have been homeschooled since kindergarten, and I have a wonderful mom who has taught me everything I know about how to be a Godly, secure woman. I have had all my insecurity questions answered before I needed to ask them. That has been such a blessing in my life! But it’s not that every word in this book doesn’t apply to me. I need to read books like these and to be challenged as much as anyone does. It is easy for me to have jealousy issues, especially about people having more money than me/my family. I am tempted to think that wealth = success. God used this book to remind me that true success only comes from Him.
“There is only one way we can be truly secure as women – and that’s when we find our identity and contentment in Christ.”
Know of a teen girl who is struggling or who needs to be encouraged? Isn't that all girls? Make sure you check out So Long, Insecurity Teen Edition. Thanks to Tyndale for providing this book for me to review.
Linking up to the Cozy Book Hop.
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