
Monday, July 15, 2013

Goals: Week of July 15th


We are super excited that we got keys to our house last night! This week will be spent getting things done at our house. Hopefully, you will get to hear some this week about our house. Being homeowners still does not feel real at all!

Last week's goals
  1. Walk 3 times- I have found if I walk with m tennis shoes on, running just might happen
  2. Start using new budget
  3. Finish up both patterns
  4. Finish glider- finally! This project has been on my list for months
  5. Clean out fridge/freezer- I have managed to cook mostly from our freezer. Still will keep eating from there until we move.
  6. Blog 3 times- I only did twice
  7. Date with Scott- you can read about our free date here
This week's goals
  1. Go on two walks
  2. Wipe out cupboards
  3. Wipe down walls
  4. Paint walls
  5. Eat out of the freezer
  6. Celebrate my niece's first birthday!
  7. Blog twice about the house


  1. What a good idea about walking with gym shoes on in order to convince yourself to run. I should use that.

    1. This method has worked for me so far! If I walk in flip flops, then I am ok with only walking. If I have tennis shoes on, I just might run!

  2. Congrats on the house! Can't wait to hear about it!

    1. Thanks! Just did my first post on the house. We are excited about moving in!

  3. We just moved into our house last year! It's so exciting! Hopefully you will do better than I did in the decorating area...I'm still working on finishing decorating a year later!

    I look forward to seeing pictures and posts!

    1. I don't know about getting done decorating within a year. I might be joining you on that one! I can't wait to show some pictures and posts!
