
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cleaning Cabinets, Mowing, and Painting Oh My

Sunday night we got the keys to our house! Everything about this being our house feels surreal.

We were able to walk through the empty house and pick some brooms out of the trash pile!

001 (5)

While our realtor was still there, she wanted us to pull up the bright red carpet that was covering wood floors in the master bedroom. Needless to say, the floor underneath looks great. We are looking forward to getting everything up and the floors ready to go. But for now, the padding is making a wonderful drop cloth!

We got to meet one of our neighbors. And welcome to the world of social networking, we came home and facebook stalked them. They have three girls who were hoping that we would have kids for them to play with.

Monday, we went back to the house. My husband mowed and I attacked the cupboards.

I promise I took a picture of my husband mowing, but the picture has vanished. He also cut down some brush. We have some work cut out for us when we are in the house and the weather is cooler! We need a few trees cut down and some brush taken care of.

Our cupboards are washed, and I pulled out the liner. I would love to hear if you have your cupboards lined or not. Why do you choose to have them lined or not?

Isn't that pretty liner?

Under the drawers, I found this mess. Carryout menus, church directories, ice cream spoon, screws. Anyone wonder what might be lurking under their drawers?

Today, my mother and mother-in-law graciously came and helped me paint. Can I just say that they are awesome! 

Notice my MIL in the next picture, anything seem to be an issue?

See our pretty drop cloth? Worked wonders for us! I am excited to get some more things done so that we can get our stuff moved into the house. Still can't believe that God has entrusted this house in our care. We are blessed. 


  1. I have never lined my cabinets. I guess people must do it to protect the wood in case of a spill? Seems like a lot of work to me. And unfortunately, I think I have a junk drawer full of menus, recipes and instructions, like that! (Ew!) :)

    1. As long as your menus are in the drawers. These were under the drawers :)

      My cabinets won't be lined right now. We will see if anyone convinces me that they need to be!

  2. I'm loving the liner in your cabinets! Now where could I get my hands on some vintage prints like that! I'm going to be on the hunt!

    1. Oh my Cindy! I only had it in one cupboard and the top shelf was pretty torn. It needed to go! I might be able to send what I tore out to you :)

  3. I've never lined my shelves, either. It's not like you can see the lining under all the stuff on top of it. :)

    P.S. Love your site, Lydia!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Carol! I am enjoying the different responses that people have about lining their cabinets. One of my friends posted on my facebook page that she lined hers because her mom did. I love that. Something I would do!

  4. Congrats on your house! I bet youre getting a workout fixing it up this week. Its in the 90s here so I'm not sure how much walking I'll get in this week!

    1. Thanks, Jenny! I am not sure I will get the walks in, but yes I have been getting a workout. It is in the 90's here as well. Yikes! Why can't we pick the weather for working on our house week? Oh well! Just glad to be in and working on it!

  5. I always lined my shelves when I lived in a house that had been occupied by someone else prior. When our dear friend made me some new Oak cupboards, they are so beautiful I did not line them. Only I place a dish cloth if I place my lettuce spinner in the cubboard and it is still a bit wet.
    I am so happy you are in such a lovely house and home. ML and Mom and such a blessing to assist too. Thak you for sharing at "Tell Me a Story."

    1. My mother a MIL were a huge blessing! I am doing good right now to get my stuff in the cupboards! I did give them a good washing first though. New cupboards would be a pretty sweet thing to have!
