
Monday, December 8, 2014

Esther is 5 Months

Weight: Between 14 and 15 pounds

Sleep: You have gone through this phase of thinking that cat naps are the only way to go. 40 minute naps make for a tired momma. The past few days you have been doing better at length, so hoping we have crossed a bridge.

You do great at night. A few nights, you have slept from 8 to 4:30. 

Social: You love to talk and have us put our hand over your mouth to change the sound. This was your new thing that intrigued you this month.

Likes: You have become very observant. You will watch anything and everything. 

You like being upright.

You like to fly through the air.

Laughing at yourself in the mirror. Best. Laugh. Ever.

Dislikes: You don't like being put down for a nap. 

Firsts & Milestones: You rolled from your belly to back one time for daddy. Mommy only saw the results and then you would not roll again. Still haven't rolled again for mommy!

You discovered that your keys are a good toy. You like to make a lot of noise with them.

 It feels like forever since this post, but you can check out her growth from 4 months.


  1. She is so cute! And now, I want some lace trim for my tree garland! It's adorable.

    1. I had some lace that I got somewhere for free. Perfect! I actually just tucked the rest under the tree skirt so that I didn't have to cut the lace. I was lazy and only put it on the front!

  2. She is so precious and getting to be such a big girl. :)

  3. She's growing so fast!
