
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October Mortgage Update

Want an idea for a Christmas gift? Check out this debt free scream. Life changing Christmas gift!

My Mistake

I was just talking to my dad the other day about making sure that we are paying down the principle. I have been paying our mortgage online and just realized that we were paying our payment and not the principle when we were paying early. My dad and I had a discussion about this idea of paying the principle. Hopefully this concept will help us pay things down sooner!

Now, I need to be making trips to the bank I think. Will have to talk to the bank the next time I go in to see about how paying online works.

Breakdown of Extra Money

Here is a breakdown of some areas where we were able to get extra money from to add to our mortgage. I hope this gives you some ideas of where you could get some extra money from to help pay off debt.

  • Refund on Esther $420

Didn't know we could make money on our child. :) Apparently my husband has a decent HRA that helps to pay our deductible. Didn't know that before, but know we do!

  • Change $6

We throw our change in a jar. Every so often I roll the change and this goes on our mortgage.

  • Backdated raise my husband got at work $240.19

Since our update in September, we have been able to pay off $897 from our principle. Giving us a total of $2.077 for our 2nd year so far. $3,923 to go before next July in order to hit our goal of 6 grand this year.


  1. Good job!! I can't wait for your debt free post! :)

  2. Great reminder that we need to pay down our principal too. Congrats and good luck with the rest.

    1. Glad this post encouraged you to pay down your principal. I am all for getting Americans debt free! Just imagine what we could accomplish. And if our government were a better example. :)
