
Monday, July 8, 2013

Goals: Week of July 8th

Any day now, we could get a phone call saying that we are allowed to move into our house. We have heard that the people are moving out, and this knowledge gets us very excited.

We haven't been very motivated around our house today. I know there is stuff to be done, but I don't know when it needs to be done. I am a procrastinator by nature and this trait is coming out this week. Are any of you procrastinators?

Last week's goals
  1. Run twice- not so much :(
  2. Make blog button and redo header- you can add my blog button to your blog!
  3. Make sleep sack
  4. Redo budget- expenses as figured out as they will be for now. Getting the budget into practice this week.
  5. Finish glider
  6. Edit reusable snack bag pattern- almost ready to go!
  7. Teach at VBS- had a great time with my little guys :)
This week's goals
  1. Walk 3 times
  2. Start using new budget
  3. Finish up both patterns
  4. Finish glider
  5. Clean out fridge/freezer
  6. Blog 3 times
  7. Date with Scott- gonna get some free Chick-fil-A and hopefully a free coffee


  1. My goal is 3 workouts this week too. I hope you'll check in with me again when you finish your 3 workouts. I'll do the same!

    1. Sounds great, Jenny! Accountability :) I have 1 walk in. 2 more to go. We even managed to run just a little bit!

  2. HI Lydia,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! Thought I'd return the favor. :)

    I am going to have to check out your reusable snack bag pattern - love, love, LOVE that idea!

    Have a great week and I can't wait to see the pattern,

    1. Hey Lea,

      Thanks for giving me motivation to finish the reusable snack bag pattern. It is so close, just trying to figure out the best way to get it in pdf form. I do love to make and use the reusable bags.

      Have a great week as well!
