
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Outcast {Book Review}

Do you ever tire of getting to read my posts about books? Are they one of those posts that you just skim over?! I can't say that I wouldn't be right there with ya :) 

I am very thankful for Tyndale allowing me to read this book. Part of the deal is that I get to share with you what I think!

The Outcast was a good read, but I am not sure that this book is one that I would highly recommend. 

Rachel the main character in this book is shunned for her sin. I love following along with her story about how she has to change herself in order not to get bitter. The challenges she faces as she has to deal with her own heart is intense. This aspect of the book, I really like.

There are a few scenes in the book that I could have done without them going into detail. No I don't think they are horrible, but I also don't think they are the most appropriate for all audiences. I would not place this book in a young girls hands for that reason. 

I also had to get past the part that part of this book is told by a dead man. My husband thought this was very weird when I told him this fact. Really it isn't as weird as it sounds, but it did add an interesting perspective. 

Decent book overall, just wish that Jolina would have left out about one page. 


  1. I love book reviews and I was wondering about this new book. I really liked 'The Scarlet Letter', which I heard this book is based on so I was hoping this would be good. I may still give it a try. Thanks for your review! : )

    1. Cathy, I did really enjoy this book. Very suspenseful. I just would not hand it to a teenage girl and turn her loose. Hope that helps!
