
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Follow Me Buttons

Recently, I have been trying to get my blog a little more up to par. Technology and I don't get along very well.  

My husband and I got each other Chromebooks for Christmas. I absolutely love mine, but when it comes to editing something, the Chromebooks are lacking. 

My favorite things that I have added recently are my follow me buttons. This picture is what they look like. Do you see them in the upper right corner of my blog?
I would love it you would click on these buttons. You might be wondering, why would I do something like that?

Well, the blue button, you can follow me on Facebook. The red button, you can follow me on pinterest. The orange button, you can subscribe to my rss feed. And the green button, you can get my updates sent to your email. 

Now you know what they are for so why don't you go click on one or all of them :)

I used the tutorial from Laura's Crafty Life to help me add these buttons.


  1. Looking good! I need to add these, they just look so much cleaner than a bunch of clutter on the right.

    1. Andrea, they really aren't that hard to add! And I think it makes it easier for people to follow as well.

  2. I saw your buttons last week, and I was inspired to add my own. I used a tutorial from Code It Pretty. Where did you get your buttons? It looks great!

    1. I do like your buttons! I am not sure where I ended up getting mine from. I was roaming through blog-sphere when I stumbled on these. Sorry that isn't very helpful!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Mommynificent, and commenting today! I love this post - I may need to do a similar one soon since I'm trying to build up my readership. I've liked you on facebook since that's how I mainly keep up with blogs.
    May you be magnificently blessed today!
    Tina @ Mommynificent

    1. I do agree facebook can be a great place to keep up with blogs! Thanks for liking me there.

      Yes, building up readership can be a challenge, but isn't a challenge all that blogging is about?

  4. Love the buttons - it makes it so much easier to stay in touch with bloggers who have easy to use buttons! Now is a twitter account on your horizon??


    1. Marissa, twitter is not on my horizon. I would love to know though why you think that I should get a twitter account. I had one back in the day, but I just didn't get the whole concept.
