
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Proverbs 31:11b- An Unfailing Prize

Proverbs 31:11b “He will have no lack of gain”
Back in the day of Proverbs 31, the husband would many times go to war in order to try to get wealth for their families. They could obtain wealth in other ways, but many times they were in need and therefore had to obtain the great wealth that war gave. Elizabeth says “She battles daily on the home front so that he doesn’t have to engage in wars or experience a ‘lack of gain’”!

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The practicality of it now, what can I do to help keep my husband from the "war" of today.
I need to be contributing to the family finances, whether that is by having a job, or it is by being content with what I have.
Every decision you make not to spend money is money saved. If you want to have your husband home when they have put their time in at work, then don’t spend all their money. If we are doing that, then they will feel the need to provide and work extra.

Elizabeth's How-to’s of Beauty for this chapter:
#1 Own the assignment- Elizabeth took over the book keeping from her husband in order to give him the extra time. She suggests making some kind of contribution to the finances even if that is just using coupons-love that!
#2 Bone up on money management- learn what you can about personal finance
#3 Talk it over with your husband- follow his leadership and decide what is best for your family.
#4 Get set up for better money management- gather your supplies, pay bills online, set up book keeping system, etc.

What are some things that you have found to help keep your husband at home and not from having to face the "war" when striving for financial gain?

You can find the previous posts here.

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