
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Proverbs 31:11a- A Solid Rock

Prov 31:11 “The heart of her husband safely trusts her”

“When a man marries a woman who is mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually strong, he can confidently build his life, his work, and his home, trusting in her rock-solid character to be a cornerstone for his efforts.”

Elizabeth talks about how we as wives are to be the cornerstones for our husbands. We are to be the support of the family that allows him to trust in what we do. We are to be loyal to him.

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image from here

What are some ways that we can be loyal? Elizabeth gives us some areas that we can be the rocks that our husband can build upon and trust us in.

The how-to’s of beauty
#1 Take trust seriously- a faithful wife will be able to be trusted
#2 Keep your word- this is one we take for granted in our society. If I am not going to do something, better not every lead someone to believe that I will.
#3 Follow through on instructions- Do what I am asked to do, even when I don’t get it.
#4 When in doubt check it out- If I am not sure about something, check with my husband. Example is getting the car fixed.
#5 Be accountable- Let him know where I am and what is going on. Her example was that Eve was tempted when she was away from her husband.

How have you see women build up their husbands? How have you seen them tear them down?

You can find the previous posts here.

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