Abraham and Sarah is a very historically accurate book. Now, I am not a history buff at all, so I like when there is some non historical added in to make a book good. Not happening in this book.Not necessarily a bad thing, just hard for me to get into the book. I tried, but after a few chapters, I just couldn't do it.
I am trying to give myself grace to not finish a book that I am not in love with,so I put this book down.
Thanks to Moody for a copy of this book.
From This Day Forward was a good book. I enjoy this time period and wonder what it would be like to live a more simple but also more demanding life. This book for me was not a book that I couldn't put down, but I did read it all and did enjoy it!
Thanks to Bethany House for a copy of this book.
Happiness is something that I can struggle with as a stay at home mom of littles. So, when I saw this book, I snatched it up. Randy starts the chapters with a few verses to think about and then gives a few pages of his own thoughts to think about the verses.I am enjoying this book in my pursuit to make my happiness genuine.
In our Sunday school class at church, we have been going through the life of Jesus, so I was excited about this book.Women were such an important part in the life and ministry of Christ. I want my life to be an important part of Christ's ministry now.
I love how Liz incorporates a lot of Scripture throughout all the chapters of this book.
The Women of Easter sounds like a good book and good for you for giving yourself grace not to finish a book you're not particularly in to. :) Thanks for sharing these honest reviews, Lydia! I hope you and your family have a great week!