
Monday, June 22, 2015

God Blesses Even When We Don't Deserve It

I have to be honest, I have really been struggling with my attitude recently about a certain situation. I know I need to give up some things to fix the problem, but do you know how hard that is when you really want to remain in your bad mood? Have you even been there?

God and I were having a talk the other day while I was doing things around the house, and I was telling God that I could really use some encouragement. I was thinking, I would love to get a letter in the mail that was encouraging. Just a few days later, God worked in a way that I never would have imagined. I do love when that happens.

I went to the mailbox and saw a letter from a friend from back in my high school days. Inside was a letter saying that she remembers the struggle of trying to get debt free and wanted to do something to bless us in the middle of us trying to get debt free. Encouragement in my mailbox? God is good!

Then on top of that, there was another envelope inside. I saw a gift card to one of my favorite coffee shops where I would love to get fresh roasted coffee, but we have chosen not to in order to try to pay off our mortgage. I glanced at the gift card and saw $10. I thought, awesome! Free coffee! I looked at the gift card again and realized that I missed a zero. $100 worth a free coffee. Needless to say, I was a little in awe.

I could not help but stop and think what a great God that I serve. He laid it on my friend's heart to bless, and she was obedient to what God was calling her to do. I have to admit, God used this to help change my attitude. I know I will need to keep working on my attitude...may even have to today! When I struggle, I will have to drink a cup of coffee and realize that God really does care about me.

Things I learned through this blessing:

1. God blesses us even when do not deserve to be blessed.

2. I want to be debt free so that I can more easily bless others, just like this friend was to me.

3. I am super thankful for friends who listen to what God is calling them to do. Without obedience, I wouldn't be blessed.

I now have this card hanging next to our visual of how far we need to go to paying off our mortgage on our fridge.


  1. Wow! I love that the Lord uses people to encourage us. I got a random card from a friend last week at a really low point. The friend had no idea when she mailed me the note...but God knew. And God has used many words from you to make me smile along the years. Love you

    1. I love how God uses others when they don't even know that we need the encouragement. You have definitely been an encouragement over the years as well! Love you, too!

  2. I love this verse so much! It has so much hope that God has an exceedingly abundant better way! I read every post in feedly and I love watching your payoff progress. Great job!

    1. Tracy, how cool that you follow along! I remember the first time I saw this verse. It was carved in a bathroom stall in South Africa! Been one of my favorites since then!

  3. This is such a great post! God is so good and awesome. :)

    1. He is so good! So thankful for his timing!
