
Monday, May 27, 2013

Goals: Week of May 27th

If this were a test, I would have gotten a 29%. Ouch! I do feel like I got a good start on some things, but nothing was completely done. 

I felt like I was gone a lot this last week. Now on the holiday, I am trying to pull things together...and trying to keep myself off the couch because I am feeling very lazy! 

A group of friends are coming over for craft night tonight. It will be nice to spend some time with them working on some projects that I have going. 

Last weeks goals:
  1. Exercise- 3 days of crunches, push ups, and squats- I only got this done one day. Not good! 
  2. I have this pile of clothes to someday repurpose.- I now have a plan to do with most of them. This will move on to this week. 
  3. Put our Panama pics on a jump drive- I went to do this and I didn't have room on my jump drive. What do you use to store your digital pics?
  4. Fill out paperwork to renew my teaching license- Got fingerprinted and realized that I could get a  longer license but would have to fill out a different application. I need to call back down to the ODE to find out more details, and it is a holiday weekend...
  5. Organize DVDs
  6. Design a pattern
  7. Spend some time with mom's class on their last few days of school
This weeks goals:
  1. Exercise- 3 days of crunches, push ups, and squats
  2. Finish pile of clothes to repurpose
  3. Finish renewal of teaching license
  4. Put pictures on balloon post. This post is viewed a lot, and I managed to delete the pics. So I need to go put them back on there!
  5. Put pin it button on blog
  6. Visit our local honey man
  7. List a pile of stuff on ebay
Now for focus! I will do better this week! 


  1. That's quite a few goals you have! I added the pin it button a few months ago and am really glad that I did.

  2. I am glad to hear that the pin it button will be worth my time! Thanks for stopping by!
