
Monday, May 13, 2013

Goals: Week of May 13th

Post image for Your Blogging Goals: What Are They? (Part 1)

I was blessed recently by a comment left on the blog. I am amazed that someone can be such an encouragement from half way across the world. Pascaline said

 "I really like how you plan your goals every week.. I started read your blog few month ago (from france, i'm french) and you inspire me to start planning the important things i want to do or create, as i usually finish to do nothing.
Hope you will start to blog again soon."

My husband and I recently went to Panama on a missions trip, and I have just not made the time for blogging since I have gotten back. I have found though that not coming up with goals, I have just kinda floated on what I would like to do. I need to get back to doing some things a little more on purpose.

I am back to posting my goals for the week.
  1. Exercise- 5 days of crunches, push ups, and squats. 3 walks.
  2. Organize spices
  3. Set up a facebook page for the farmer's market
  4. Blog book review on A Place to Belong
  5. Clean porch
  6. Clean windows
  7. Iron clothes- I need some more lessons from my husband on this one :)
Pascaline, I would love to hear what your goals are for this week. 


  1. Thank you for sharing your story at "Tell Me a Story." Good for you if you can reach the goals you have set for yourself. Your list reminds me I need to clean my porch and windows too! :-)

  2. I was so happy to see you post your goals today but then, when i read it really made my day :) i'm really happy if i've been helpfull.
    Here is my goals for this week:
    - Sew the pearl i lost from my cardigan
    - Continue to knit the baby blanket for my (futur)nephew
    - make strawberry / rhubarb jam
    - Go twice to the gym
    - Go to work by bicycle every day
    Have a really good week, ironing clothes is a real punishment for me, lol

    1. Glad I could make your day since you made mine the other day! How awesome that you can ride your bike to work! I agree that ironing is punishment!

      I hope that you have a great week too!

  3. I'm trying to exercise 5 days this week, too. I also want to read to my boys and work on one project. :)

    1. Why is exercise a challenge? I have gotten my walks in, but the push-ups haven't happened yet. Hope you are doing better than me!
