
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Proverbs 31: A Rare Tresure

I am completely in love with the book Beautiful in God’s Eyes by Elizabeth George. I have read it several times and wanted to read it again to get a new perspective as a married woman. I plan on posting once a week on Wednesdays...hence why the first one in on Thursday...about the things that are presented in the book. I would love to hear feedback from you as I journey through this book again.
“Who can find a virtuous woman?” Proverbs 31:10a
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Elizabeth starts by talking about how this feat of becoming virtuous can feel overwhelming. A task we might not want to start because we find it daunting. God desires us to be virtuous, so we need to start on the task.

I am encouraged to know that this ideal of what a woman should be like came from a woman. A man did not dream up what they wanted and then forced all the women to achieve the status. A woman was telling her son what he needed to look for and to find in a wife. Even though this standard was high, the mother fully expected her son to find someone who lived up to these characteristics.

Virtuous. We are to strive to achieve virtue, but what does that mean? Elizabeth says that virtue contains a power of mind (moral principles and attitudes) and also a power of body (potency and effectiveness).

At the end of each chapter, Elizabeth gives us the how-to’s of beauty. For this chapter they are the following:
#1 cultivate the desire
#2 give it time.

This summary is just the bare bones of the chapter. I highly encourage all women to get this book and read the book.

 I am curious what the first thing that comes to mind is when you think of a virtuous woman?


  1. Kind and Patient. Might have to read this book.

    1. I like that description!
      I highly recommend this book. Not super deep, but though provoking and practical.

  2. I think Elizabeth George has a knack for giving practical advice in a readable way. Sounds like a good book. The first thing I think of when I think of a virtuous woman is the verse that says that the heart of her husband trusts in her. I want that to always be true in my marriage!

    1. That is a good summary. Everything that the virtuous woman does is done so that her husband does trust in her. I like it!
