
Monday, January 23, 2012

Small Town USA

I have always loved living in a small town. Recently upon getting married, I downsized to a village. A village in Ohio is a town that has under 5,000 residents. It has been a little different from my experience of the big city of 13,000.

The other day, I went to the post office. It is a novel idea to me that we cannot get our mail delivered to our home. We have to have a PO Box. Thankfully, we do not have to pay for the box. I walked inside and the post master looked at me and said, "You must be Lydia." I am thinking, oh man, what have I gotten myself into!

image from here

I go over to see if I can get my PO Box open. I did manage that, but then was a little confused about how to shut the door. I looked at the man behind me and asked him what the trick was. He took the door and slammed it. He then said to me. "It is ok Mrs. McKnight. You will catch on quickly." Sad to say, I had no idea who this man was, just that he is a volunteer firefighter with my husband. Yikes! There will be no hiding for me!

Still would take the small town atmosphere over a big city any day! 


  1. I love your post! I am guessing which Ohio village you moved to but from your post I think I know. It is a great little village! Small towns are awesome! I love your post! Only question is WHAT SNOW!! It all went away AGAIN!

    1. I am curious what your guess is. You will have to send me a fb message and give me your guess!

  2. hahaha!! Oh Lydia... what new experience. Maybe next time you can learn his name!

    1. I now know his name :) Of course he told Scott this story.

  3. To be known before you are even introduced, that was strange but when you are a new person, people seem to have heard about you. I am so happy that Jesus knows our name even before we were born. He knew us. Thank you for sharing your lovely story at "Tell me a Story."

    1. I like this comparison. Thanks for making the connection. So great to be known by God before I was born! And even better to be known by Him now.

  4. I grew up in a small village just like what you described [in Scotland]. I found the opposite, i.e. the fact no-one spoke freely to people they passed in the street each day. It was quite lonely until I got used to it and got to know people. That was weird after coming from a place where everyone knew everyone.

    1. That is interesting. I do find that most people keep to themselves here unless they know you. At the same time, everyone knows that you don't belong!
