
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Giving Back to the Community- Shopping Style

It is easy to talk about the chance to give back to the community but not always so easy to do.

Would you like to find an easy way to give back?

Let's face it, everyone has to go grocery shopping. Right? Did you know that you can give back to the community, simply by buying groceries?

Kroger logo

Kroger has a program that allows you to pick an organization that you want to give a percentage of the cost of what you buy back to.

I just got a new card, so I had to re-register my card. You can go to the Kroger website to register.

I chose my high school, Wayside Christian School, to be the beneficiary of my grocery shopping.

One you have signed up, you are set for the year. How cool is that!

Let me know if you chose to sign up and also who you chose to receive your profits!

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