
Friday, July 27, 2012

DIY: Homemade 409 Recipe

The other day, I ran out of 409 cleaner for the kitchen. I have seen all these recipes online for homemade cleaners, so I decided to check out trusty pinterest for some ideas.

Sure enough, a recipe was found! I mixed up a batch and then had to try it out for a little while to see what I think. My husband was the tipping point. Definitely a keeper!

My husband misses a little bit of the lemon smell, so one of these days, I might buy a lemon and add to the cleaner. Until then, we will enjoy having this around to clean up the kitchen (I even used it in the shower the other day). Sure came in handy the other night with our meat mess

Below is the recipe that I used. Everything I had on hand since I have started making my own laundry detergent. What kind of homemade cleaners have you made?

Homemade 409 Recipe:

  • 2 Tbsp. Distilled White Vinegar
  • 1 Tsp. Borax
  • 1/8 cup Dawn dish soap
  • 1 cup Hot Water
  • Triggered Spray Bottle {16 oz.}
  • Optional: Your Favorite Scent of Essential Oil
  • Pour vinegar, borax and hot water into spray bottle.
  • Then continue filling spray bottle with cool water.
  • Add Dawn Dishsoap last. {no need to shake}
  • Optional: Add in a few drops of your favorite scent of essential oil.
It’s as easy as that! ;)


  1. Thanks for linking up Lydia! I have made a lot of different cleaners, but haven't tried this one yet.

    Have a great day!

  2. Great recipe. I'll be pinning this. Thanks for linking up at Romance on a dime!
